Improper Walls is a cultural platform and alternative space in Vienna, Austria. We curate up to 10 exhibitions a year with a focus on urban, contemporary and mixed media art. Improper Walls is run on a non-profit basis by an independant team with diverse expertise. We support artists in realizing their vision, bring art to new eyes, and create awareness around matters that intrigue us.
Philosophy. Being aware of the freedom and the ability that we have to create something beautiful together is what motivates us. It means taking the invaluable chance to build something together with artists, people who are dedicated to artistic expression and people who are dedicated to social projects. At the end of each process stands not only the exhibition or the project that we realized, but also the understanding of the fact, that all this is just possible by working together. We all grow together. We can change something. We can create impact and build a world around us that we want to live in. We believe that art can move something – in an individual person, but also on a bigger scale. As a gallery we are close to what is happening around us, open-minded and attentive, showing respect to art in all its different forms and to the artists, whether they are established or emerging. We consider ourselves a bridge, that connects and supports people – by bringing together artists and audiences from different countries and backgrounds and with different approaches. The love for art is a common ground and we want to create a platform for art and for all that it can move.
We work on a non-profit basis and every cent helps! If you would like to show us some love with a few buckaroos (i.e. mullah, doll-hairs, mo-nay) we would be so extremely grateful!
Your support
Once we reach $100 per month we will be able to get the basic equipment we need for running kick-ass exhibitions (projectors, screens, lighting, media players, CDJ., mixer) Once we reach $500 per month we can extend the Improper Walls opening times to five days a week, so that you only have to cry on weekends Once we reach $800 per month we will no longer need to pay rent for the gallery space from our own pockets Once we reach $1000 per month we will be able to represent Improper Walls and our artists in selected art fairs Once we reach $2000 per month we will be able to bring international artists to Vienna and host artist residencies $3000 per month will grant sanity to the masterminds behind Improper Walls (don’t worry, just the right amount of insane will remain)
Video credits. Cast: Ale Zapata Torres, Elisabeth Hinkel, Elizabeth Spouse, Kata Anna Tüz, Justina Špeirokaitė and friends. Music: Elizabeth SpouseCamera: Barbora Horská, Markus Tozzer, Urtė Špeirokaitė