Brüssel Kunst

Nina Minnebo. Belgium artist.

Nina Minnebo is a Belgium-based abstract artist. Her work is a continuous reflection on contrast. Her main fascination is with how colours interact, the dialogue between textures, what transparency reveals or conceals and how the viewer feels while looking at the work.

Her work can be described as „Happy Abstract“. One of her main goals is providing the viewer with a feeling of instant happiness, taking them back to joyful childhood memories.

What gives you the most joy?

Who or what is your personal inspiration?
I’m inspired by a lot of things ranging from artists, nature, my own childhood – but most of all by working. Being busy painting or working on a project always fuels the next painting or idea. It can be hard to channel all those ideas or impulses, but it’s essential.

Being busy painting or working on a project always fuels the next painting or idea. It can be hard to channel all those ideas or impulses, but it’s essential.

What are things needed for a basic paint project?
A thought/vision. Colour and brushes.

What item would you be lost without?
It’s sad to say but I’ll say it anyway: my phone.

Do you have a muse?

What projects are you currently working on?
Due to the pandemic, my residency projects have all been cancelled and so have a few shows. I’m taking the time to get some rest and paint in a not-by-deadline-driven environment, which is quite pleasant. I have this constant flow of new ideas that I’m giving the opportunity to turn into something real instead of just a scribble in a notebook.

Nina Minnebo – www.ninaminnebo.com