Wien Kunst

Bags by Ukrainian artists

In order to collect urgently needed donations for Office Ukraine, which can be made available unbureaucratically to Ukrainian artists and cultural workers in emergencies, Office Ukraine has produced cotton bags as a limited edition. Bags with six different artistic subjects were created in cooperation with Ukrainian artists. As a thank you for every donation of 20 EUR or more, donors will receive their favorite bag(s).
Kateryna Lysovenko, Good Shepherd, from the series Substitution, 2020 | Molly Route, Sunflower, 2022 | Grafprom, With Ukraine In The Heart, 2022 | Kristina Kapeljuh, So Good You’re Back, 2022
Kateryna Lysovenko, Good Shepherd, from the series Substitution, 2020 | Molly Route, Sunflower, 2022 | Grafprom, With Ukraine In The Heart, 2022 | Kristina Kapeljuh, So Good You’re Back, 2022

How do you get your favourite bag?
We ask for a donation of at least 20 EUR per bag, but of course it can be more. 🙂

If you wish to collect your bag(s) yourself from Office Ukraine in Vienna, Graz or Innsbruck:
Please write an email to Office Ukraine in your area and make an appointment for collection. Please bring the donation (minimum contribution 20 EUR per bag) in cash.

If you would like the bag(s) sent to you:
Please donate the amount you wish to the Office Ukraine donation account. Then send us an e-mail with the desired number of bags (minimum amount 20 EUR per bag) and the artistic subject(s) as well as your name and the delivery address. After the amount has been credited to our donation account (please include the same name so that we can match your e-mail) you will receive your bag(s).

Here you can order the bags

Office Ukraine Vienna: office@artistshelp-ukraine.at
Office Ukraine Graz: office.graz@artistshelp-ukraine.at
Office Ukraine Innsbruck: office.innsbruck@artistshelp-ukraine.at

IBAN: AT362011184532396001 BIC: GIBAATWWXXX