Wien Kunst

Ausstellung. Die gefundene Matratze

„Die gefundene Matratze“ is the first exhibition that is opening the autumn session in the Gallery Aa Collections. Georgij Melinkov has invited the Austrian Artist Anne Glassner to show her work. The show consists of a variety of media, chalk pen drawing, photography, installation.

The edition is intentionally kept small : 3 + 2. Collectors, could buy in this exhibition a non reproducible artwork or one of the prints of the photography editions. The conversations in the Aa Collections space, tonight somehow are always related with sleep. Some have decided to visit because they were thinking that going to an exhibition that has to do with sleep, was a very logical and nice step before going soon to bed (I was asking some of the people). A guy was saying that he likes the installation with the found object a lot, even though for himself he would never sleep in a found mattress. He believes and probably is right that inside of this foldable item are existing mites. I find suspenseful the idea of using a found object. One can find stories inside, memories, erotics and maybe in a while one start to forget that once this item was belonging to someone else.

The story says that this mattress once belonged to another Austrian artist called …

Anne Glassner aa collections
Letzter Schliff, installation view

Glassner, not only finds this kind of objects, but takes these O. in various places. This mattress has been at least in 5 locations till now: at the artist’s flat, at her studio, at „Brunnenpassage“ (where she was an artist in residence this summer), in the house where she grew up in Lower Austria and now in the gallery in front of the Bettwäsche (bed linen) Shop. It seems that she likes to see it in different environments. Or maybe she likes to see how she feels with them in different places? How she managed to transport this mattress till there? Maybe in the same way how we see it presented in the space? Also interesting to read the exhibition text of Laura Steiner. She reveals there elements from the development and the background of the show. Some titles of works have the ability to make you melancholic, especially if you are a creature of habit (Gewohnheitstier). A photography behind museum glass „Selbstportrait mit Matratze“ is my preferred one. It brought me back to moments in art history and raised the question „What kind of stories portraits want to tell, regardless if self portraits or portraits“. It comes in my mind that Paula Modersohn Becker for example painted her self on the „Autoportrait au Sixième Anniversaire de Mariage“ pregnant, meanwhile she wasn’t.

When I asked Melinkov, why the saison started with this exhibition, he says: „I always wanted to invite Glassner for a solo show and was always attracted from the thematic of sleeping. I personally sleep a lot and dream a lot and make often thoughts about lucid dreaming, about what happens meanwhile we are in sleep. Anne Glassner is maybe, as far as I know, the only Austrian artist that engages with this topic in such an intensity “.

I heard from Georgij that the space has always been used in different ways- Words from Gaston Bacherlard book „The Poetics of Space“ come on my mind.

An entire past comes to dwell in a new house. The old saying: We bring our lares with us“ (…). What was bringing the artist here? Is the mattress maybe a kind of Lares for her sleep? At the door I read an excerpt of a Dialogue:

Du bist es, die mit mir Zeit verbringt,
gerade noch mehr mein Innerstes mitbekommt,
wenn auch auf eine distanzierte Art und Weise
aber vielleicht mehr als andere.
Du merkst wenn ich mich wohlfühle
und wenn ich wach liege.
Du versuchst dich anzuschmiegen.
Immer gelingt es dir nicht.
Heute spüre ich dich nur oberflächlich…..(Auszug aus Dialog mit M, 2020)

Anne Glassner aa collections
Aa Collections, Reindorfgasse 9/2/R01, 1150 Wien

After the gallery doors had closed, we have a drink  with a couple of people in a close by bar and somehow very soon I feel like going home. I want to explore if the relationship to my mattress have changed after this experience.

11. September 2020 – 03. October 2020
Wednesday – Saturday: 16.00 till 20.00

Address and Contact:
Aa Collections
Reindorfgasse 9/2/R01, 1150 Wien

Anne Glassner – www.anneglassner.at