My purble place opens its doors to the public of Palermo with some new delicious creations which celebrate the decline of the patriarchy and the banality of objectification!!! Don’t’ miss our magnificent hollow cakes, our melted desserts fallen to the ground and then reassembled with the help of the whipped cream! Come visit us to admire the new amazing cakes by Alice Pilusi in all their desirable decadence.
Alice Pilusi, Birthday Dream, 2021, polystyrene, polyurethane resin, epoxy resin, spray colours, silicon, cm 15 x 30 x 30. Ph. Filippo Nicoletti Alice Pilusi, My purble place, 2021, curated by Alberta Romano and Enzo Di Marino, exhibition view at L’Ascensore, Palermo, Italy. Ph. Filippo Nicoletti Alice Pilusi, Rebirth, Nausea and Chewed mask + smile drops , 2021, inkjet print, shooted by Marco D’Intino, cm 50 x 70. Ph. Filippo Nicoletti
Alice Pilusi (Atri, 1997) lives between Pescara and Venice where she studies at IUAV University. Her lasts exhibitions include: Degree Show 2, curated by Edoardo Monti, Palazzo Monti, Brescia, Italy; NOCCIOLINE # 8, curated by Davide Serpetti, Tortoreto (TE), Italy; Straperetana – Producers of silence, conceived by Delfo Durante and Paola Capata, curated by Saverio Verini, with the collaboration of Matteo Fato, Pereto (AQ), Italy; Overlap, curated by Andrea Croce and Michela Murialdo, National Gallery of Cosenza, Cosenza, Italy.
L’Ascensore is an experimental exhibition space. A showcase dedicated to contemporary art, a place of passage located in the center of Palermo.
Exhibition: Alice Pilusi – My purble place. Curated by: Alberto Romano & Enzo Di Marino
Exhibition duration: 31.10.2021– 15.01.2021
Adress and contact:
Vicolo Niscemi 8
Palermo, Sicily