Wien Kunst

Peter De Meyer and Roman Pfeffer

ich & ik is the second part of the two part exhibition series with the first exhibition taking place in 2019 at Geukens & De Vil gallery, Antwerpen where Vienna based artist Roman Pfeffer (Galerie Raum mit Licht) and Antwerp based artist Peter De Meyer (Galerie Geukens & De Vil) find each other in an intriguing, multi-layered dialogue about the 'I' in its different appearances.
Peter De Meyer and Roman Pfeffer
Exhibition view. Peter De Meyer and Roman Pfeffer – Ik & Ich

The title of the exhibition Ik & Ich reminds us of Ole & Axel – those two friends whose souls were already imagined by the Enlightenment philosopher Jean Paul (1763-1825). They could not be more different and yet they follow the same path: irony is their leisure and the theme tune of their actions. With an unbiased view, they explore the everyday life of the bourgeoisie.

We recognise the whole Conditio Humana in what they address and present to us. Finding and transforming things is an artistic strategy that surrealism eventually perfected. The Meret Oppenheimer’s „Luncheon in Fur „(1936) has become her signature. 

Exhibition: Peter De Meyer and Roman Pfeffer – Ik & Ich
Exhibition duration: 20.05. — 30.06.2022

Address and contact:
Galerie Raum mit Licht
Kaiserstraße 32, 1070 Vienna