


What is the thing that gives you the most joy and fun?

Laughing so hard that my stomach hurts. Being surrounded by friends and family and my beloved dog – BONO and of course there’s the joy of creation – which is totally different but is strong no less.

What’s the best thing about being an artist?

The satisfaction of knowing that you created something. It is a rush no drug will ever come near.

What subjects inspire you?

Nature, astrology, fashion, people and music

What’s your work-day like?

Mostly sitting in my dark studio which i call „the cave“ in front of the Ipad or computer. My world is my desk. I am managing my art and my business, mostly on the „dry“ areas of answering email and managing orders. At night I am more creative.

What item would you be lost without?

My Ipad Pro. It is my world. I take it almost everywhere I go. It is the best tool I ever had – for work and play.

What are your plans for 2019?

Going strong with my art and collaborations. Growing on Instagram and spreading my art to the world and getting into live animation and traveling the world performing in different amazing events.

Shira Barzilay

Photographer Stephan Würth has taken his passion for the sport and transformed it into Tennis Fan, a collection of black and white photographs that he took on Kodak film over the past ten years.

Martin Monk ist ein deutscher Filmregisseur und Drehbuchautor englischer und russischer Herkunft. Die Analogfotografie inspiriert maßgeblich seine filmische Arbeit und sein Schaffen.

Sojin Park was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. As a kid, she always loved making something with her own hands. After graduating a design college in Korea, she studied fashion and art further.

In his first solo exhibition Benjamin Weber shows works which reflect different aspects and theories about time. His oeuvre touches physical themes as the chaos theory and relativity theory.

Sany Lerner has always been intrigued by how many colors can affect our visual space. The difference between the background and the simulations in the painting creates a different view of reality.

For the 58th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, the Lithuanian Pavilion transforms the interior of a historic quayside building within the Marina Militare complex into an lit beach.

Lost Paradise is the teaser for the eponymous art performance starring artist/activist Franzine Maria. The one-shot follows the stark contrast within the expressions of our narcism.

Die Kloss Brüder Enzio & Hieronymus stellen aus in Wort und Bild. Ein erster Versuch, den Weg auch veräußert gemeinsam zu gehen, anstatt im Verborgenen für sich zu schöpfen.

In the world of dogma you believe in perfect things. Consuming the ready ideas / cliches to get blind. But once your eyes notice it, you are no longer blind. Now you see something.

Franzine Maria ist eine Künstlerin, die soziale Medien als Plattform für ihre Kreativität und den Prozess der Findung der eigenen Identität nutzt. Als Ausgangspunkt diente eine Art Performance.

Dezember 2014 – Träume, die Liebe zur Kunst, eine spontane Entscheidung und der Wille, Neues zu schaffen. Das beschreibt die Entstehung der Improper Walls Art Gallery treffend.

Wir haben den Künstler Julian Epok in seinem Atelier in Wien besucht und ihm ein Aufnahmegerät in die Hand gegeben. Allein gelassen, hatte er die Möglichkeit, seine Gedanken frei zu äußern.

Ein wahrer Pionier auf diesem Gebiet ist Alexander Moser, Inhaber des im 3. Bezirk angesiedelten Urban Garden, Österreichs erster offizieller Anbieter von CBD-Blüten und CBD-Produkten.