

Actor Jason Cloud
Winterreise – Sophie and the Flowershop

I grew up in theatre district in Minneapolis and although my family didn’t take me to see many plays, the ones that I did get to see – mostly childrens‘ adaptions – sparked my fascination with live performance. I never really thought that I would end up on stage myself since my family had other plans for me. My father was a doctor and my mother worked for the government. It was either medical school – my first semester in Vienna was Pharmacy – or becoming a lawyer. I had to find out the hard way that I wanted a different life than was prescribed. I became honest with myself. It had to be something that I would still want to do in twenty years. I didn’t want to be stuck in a job that I would hate. I didn’t want the grind.

The theater called me to direct, act and produce. With each production, it’s a new project. You get to prepare something completely newborn each time. Whenever there’s a play that I’m working on, I can’t fall asleep. I’ll stare at the ceiling, listening to a small whisper in my head, saying: „You know what? Picture this. Okay, now expound on it. How does it feel?“ It’s nice to see shows grow and become lifelike. It’s almost like a creepy orphan child asking to be adopted.

Actor. Jason Cloud - Picture: Brandon Turley
Actor. Jason Cloud – Picture: Brandon Turley

Jack Mormon
Jack Mormon explored the failed suicide attempt of a Mormon missionary, who becomes disillusioned with his own life, church and mission. Male mormons are subjected to two years of mission work in another country, having to learn the language of their host country within six weeks and complete field service under a lot of pressure. The name Jack is actually a term for a male member of the Mormon Church that doesn’t adhere tot he rules but believes in everything. Many mormon missionaries, who later came out as gay, were forced by family and church leaders to deny their homosexuality and they eventually ditched the religion. The first page of the script’s play is a long list of missionary names. The story itself starts out with a failed suicide attempt: Jack Mormon wakes up in a hospital room and has visions, characters that he interacts with. God, the Adversary of God, a Doctor. It’s a battle against the loss of faith and the lost hope that God tries to restore within Jack. Eventually he gives up, however, and really opens himself up to the audience and lashes out at the supernatural characters.

Male mormons are subjected to two years of mission work in another country, having to learn the language of their host country within six weeks and complete field service under a lot of pressure.

The Fall of Alice
The Fall of Alice is based on the children’s classic. It is Alice in Wonderland that will ruin your childhood. We explored the imagery of the deadly sins. While researching the character of Alice, I documented all the sins in her life: she doesn’t get along with her family and her sister, she locks herself up in her own mind and creates a world for herself. But this world has a will of its own and Alice gets sucked in deeper and deeper. As an audience member, you can’t really decide, whether this happens for real. Eventually Alice kills her sister and goes so far down into this malestrom of darkness that she just disappears. Greed, Lust, Envy. When you’re locked up in your own mind, you start uncovering more about this part of your mind that you never knew existed. Your subcouncious desires, your urges. You give in.

Blasted is Sarah Kane’s debut play. Raging newspaper critics called it a disgusting feast of filth. Only a decade later did Blasted get its critical acclaim and was recognized as a masterpiece. It’s an anti-war protest, bascially. Back when Kane was writing the play, the Yugoslavian war was raging. All those atrocities – the killing of civilians, kidnapping, torture, rape – were happening in real life. Sarah Kane juxtaposed the war crimes happening the soldiers. She put the same atrocities into an everyday, dysfunctional relationship between Ian, a journalist, and Kate, his exgirlfriend. They go to a hotel room and he takes advantage of her, forces himself on her, for which he gets punished later in the play by a soldier who rapes him and sucks his eyes out. The soldier has nothing to lose and commits suicide, reminiscing the sexual assault and dismemberment of his girlfriend by other soldiers. Ian is blind in the hotel room and Kate steps over the soldier’s corpse. Everyone loses their innocence in thsi play. Even a baby, that Kate comes back with, dies and gets buried in the floor of the suite and eventually is eaten by Ian, who is starving.

Film. Sail - Death Before Digital
Film. Sail – Death Before Digital

This sort of theater gives insight to both real life and subconscious desires, how people are just innately drawn to such stuff. You just know – you shouldn’t look at it but you just have to see it. You get this weird gratification. We want to create this new reality for the audience. We don’t want to traumatize them, however. In the end, through all this darkness and despair, you see this flicker of light and hope. You get to learn something from these productions and have a better life.

You’d be surprised what stuff you can discover outside your comfort zone.

Jason Cloud –

Die Absolvent*innen der Schule Friedl Kubelka für künstlerische Photographie (Jahrgang 2019/2020) präsentieren ihre Abschlussarbeiten: Laut, erhaben, elegant, stimmig und dennoch verloren.

Kathrin Isabell Rhomberg lebt in Wien und Salzburg. Ihre Arbeiten befragen das Verhältnis von Künstlichkeit und Natürlichkeit im Zeitalter des Anthropozäns anhand des Motivs des Faltenwurfs.

Dieser erste Moment, wenn man nach langer Zeit der verantwortungsbewussten Distanz seine Seelenverwandte wieder treffen kann, ist etwas ganz Besonderes. So intensiv, das Herz hüpft vor Freude.

Elodie Grethen offers a contemporary portrayal of activists, artists and people who, through their sexual orientation or gender identity, question the traditional patterns of gender distribution in the post-war society.

Der HOCHsommer 2020 findet heuer mit 12 Kunstinitiativen und Kunstinstitutionen aus der Südoststeiermark und dem Südburgenland zum vierten Mal statt und steht unter dem Motto „About natural limits“.

Joachim is an artist from Antwerp. In the years that followed, he spent a lot of time experimenting with various approaches to graffiti and managed to introduce himself into street art scene relatively quickly.

Nina ist die Gründerin des Wiener Labels “studio terrible” und dem Magazin “terrible magazine”, welche sich beide der Nachhaltigkeit widmen. Eigentlich arbeite sie in einem komplett anderen Bereich.

Bahareh Rahimi, born in Iran, shows her presence as an emancipated young woman in enigmatic tableaux. she studies at Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna. She paints abstract and figurative.

Viele Arbeiten von Zoe Vitzthum bewegen sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen Küche und Alltag: zerschnittene und zerbrochene Teller, in Gips gegossenes Wegwerfgeschirr, herausstaffierte Kuchenstücke.

Roland Reiters Installation „Twins“ zeigt zwei miteinander verschweißte, gold verspiegelte Lamborghini Sportwagenkarosserien im Schwebezustand. Der Blick auf das Innere des Objektes wird verwehrt.

Am Rudolf-Sallinger-Platz 1 werden vom 22. bis 27. September 2020 in 150 Räumen heimische Galerien, Künstler und Künstlerinnen sowie Universitäten ihre Werke ausstellen.

Im groß angelegten Werkzyklus „Mischpoche,“ vereint der Künstler Andreas Mühe persönliche Geschichte, gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse sowie künstlerische Tradition zum Portrait einer Familie.

XX Art Flânerie is a festival that takes place in July in the 15th and 12th districts of Vienna, with the theme „Twenties, then or now“. Especially emphasized is the concept of strolling between different locations.

Tinas Skulpturen und Objekte bewohnen einen Kosmos voller bizarrer Pracht und Vergänglichkeit, grotesker Wesen und wunderlicher Natureindrücke, zwischen anziehend und unangenehm.

Das Merotop ist ein „Teil eines Ortes“ und bezeichnet in der Ökologie die kleinste Einheit eines Biotopes – beispielsweise ein Baumstamm –, die von einem Organismus bewohnt werden kann.

Adrian Hazi ist gebürtiger Wiener mit rumänischen Wurzeln. Seit seiner gestalterischen Ausbildung widmete er sich der bildenden Kunst, besonders der Malerei und Druckgrafik.

Just Yvette is the artist name for Yvette van den Boogaard, who works and lives in the Netherlands with her partner Jean Paul Beumer, also an artist, and a crazy Jack Russell terrier named Leroy.

Maßnehmen, Dinge in Beziehung setzen und in der Vielfalt der vorgefundenen Welt scheinbar objektive und universale Parameter entdecken – diese Vorgänge treiben Roman Pfeffers Arbeiten voran.

Von 6. Juli bis 7. September 2020 veranstaltet mit FRAMES OFF SET die ersten Filmfestwochen im Autokino. Jeden Montag bietet die Plattform Filmschaffenden und -interessierten ein Forum.

Veronika Beringer studierte Malerei und Animationsfilm an der Universität für Angewandte Kunst (Prof. Judith Eisler). Veronikas Arbeiten fußen auf der Faszination, Teil eines großen komplexen Gefüges.